Bear Monita
Jeff Mims
Marvin Olinsky
Sandy Gudorf
Vanessa Ward
Bob Curry
Charlie Shoemaker
Debbie Feldman
Jeff Hoagland
Rebecca Benna
Vanessa Glotfelter
Organizations & Community Supporters
Dayton City Commission
AFSCME Area People Committee #12
AFSCME, Ohio Council 8, AFL-CIO
Dayton Children's Hospital
Dayton Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #44
Deeply Rooted Landscapes & Consulting Services
Fraternal Order of Police 44 Retiree's
MADD Scientists
Montgomery County Association of Police Chiefs
Montgomery County Democratic Party
Montgomery County ADAMHS Board
Partech Inc.
Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio
City of Riverside
University of Dayton
Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Inc.
Gem City Market
Dayton Development Coalition
The Siebenthaler Company
Dayton Dragons
Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce
Alan Lee, Requarth Co.
Anthony Taylor, Dayton Hydraulic Co.
Charles Jergens, Charles Jergens Construction
Carolyn Rice, Montgomery County
Deborah Lieberman, Montgomery County
Judy Dodge, Montgomery County
Jason Woodward, Woodward Development
Joey DiFranco, FireWatch Design
Katie Meyer, Downtown Dayton Partnership
Linda Groover, Friends Office, Inc.
Meredith Florkey, Wildflower Child & Family Center
Tony Miller, McGohan Brabender
Michael Workman, Mechanical Services & Design Inc. (MSD)
Michael Enright, Enright Wildlife and Habitat Solutions LLC
Lori Kershner, LMK Consulting LLC
Heidi Milosovic, Waverly Partners
Brian O Martin, Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission
Amanda Wheatley
Amy Anslinger
Amy Galloway
Aubrey Medlin
Bill Tschirhart
Carol Kennard
Carrie Hartley
Carrie Scarff
Celeste French
Chris Baumann
Chris Buck
Christine Dilley
Cynthia Sullivan
Dave Benninger
David Groh
Dawn Kirchner
Dee Yohe
Jeanne Anslinger
Jessica Salem
John Porter
Julia Melka
Karen Davis
Karen Hesser
Kathleen Gish
Kathleen Shanahan
Ken Brumbaugh
Kyle Thomas
Laura Boyd
Leslie Heck
Matt Shetler
Melanie Swiderek
Meredith Adamisin
Nate Arnett
Nicholas Borders
Randy Ryberg
Reshauna Bolds
Robert T. Bell
Sally Mcintyre
Shelli DiFranco
Tom Ritchie
Virgil McDaniel
Jeff Hoagland
Gary & Cathy Adler
Dan Springer
Laurie Siebenthaler Fanning
Bernadette Whitworth
Vanessa Glotfelter
Rebecca & David Gruber
Mandy Blevins
Carissa Colchin
Janelle Leonard
India Clarke
Paul O'Brien-Eichman
Katherine Crawford
Daniel and Susan Sauer
Janet Taft
MaryLynn Lodor
Wes Collins