Q: What will be on the ballot for Five Rivers MetroParks?
A: Five Rivers MetroParks will have a one-mill, ten-year levy on the November 5th General Election Ballot.
Q: Why is this levy important?
A: Five Rivers MetroParks supports our environment, physical, mental, and emotional health; provides great outdoor recreation and relaxation; and offers free outdoor education and festivals. Over 300,000 Montgomery County residents report visiting the MetroParks at least a few times a year and, all told, people of all ages and backgrounds use our parks two million times a year. MetroParks add to our quality of life and attract visitors who boost our local economy. This levy is vital for keeping the parks safe and accessible to the many Montgomery County residents and visitors who use them.

Q: What will the levy fund?
A: The levy will allow Five Rivers MetroParks to provide safe access to the parks to the over 300,000 Montgomery County residents who visit the parks each year. This includes:
Ensuring safe picnic areas, restrooms, play areas, programs, trails, roads, and bridges
Protecting natural areas, wildlife habitats, and water quality
Providing outdoor recreation, education, and festivals
Keeping knowledgeable, helpful staff

Q: When was Five Rivers MetroParks last on the ballot?
A: In November 2018 about two thirds of Montgomery County residents supported a 10-year, 2 mill levy, 1.8 mills of which was a replacement and 0.2 mills of which was an increase. This funds 87% of MetroParks’ work and represents about 2% of the property taxes Montgomery County pays each year. You can learn more about the history of the MetroParks’ levies here: https://www.metroparks.org/about/funding/
Q: Why are the MetroParks asking for more funding instead of cutting costs?
A: Five Rivers MetroParks has reduced staff and cut programs and maintenance. There are currently 19 open positions that have not been filled to help reduce costs. The MetroParks need the one-mill levy in order to maintain safe access to the parks. This includes keeping trails and facilities safe, clean, accessible, and repaired; offering outdoor education and festivals; and sufficiently protecting our wildlife habitats and human environment.
In addition, the Five Rivers MetroParks Foundation was established in 2014 to fund special projects, programs and endowments. MetroParks also has sought new sources of revenue through partnerships, sponsorships and fees, which have generated nearly $1 million

Q: How much will the levy cost?
A: The cost of the levy will be less than $3 a month per 100,000 of appraised property value.
Q: What happens if the levy fails?
A: If the levy fails the MetroParks will not be able to maintain all of the parks. They will not be able to repair or replace amenities and will also have to eliminate more programing and leave staff positions unfilled. Specifically, the MetroParks risk not having the funding to complete the following proposed maintenance projects:
Replacing the splash pad, playground, and bandshell at Island MetroPark
Replacing the playground at Eastwood MetroPark
Repairing the Woodman Fen natural area boardwalk
Replacing old restrooms at Wesleyan, Possum Creek, Germantown, Wegerzyn, Englewood and Aullwood MetroParks.
Repairing the exteriors of the visitor center and historic buildings.

Q: Is the November levy temporary or permanent?
A: The November levy is temporary, meaning it will expire after a fixed period of time (10 years). It would need to be approved in a public election by Montgomery County voters to continue beyond that time.
Q: What can I do to help pass the levy to protect Five Rivers MetroParks?
A: Order a yard sign, sign up for volunteer opportunities, sign-up to receive our emails you can share with your Montgomery County friends and neighbors, follow us on social media, make a donation to help support the campaign – and make sure to vote FOR Five Rivers MetroParks October 8 to November 5!